Dreaming up my Beach House

It's summer timmmmmee! The consistently great weather has arrived! Which means that a lot more people are going to be heading out of town after work for weekend getaways around New England and the Cape. Now where I don't have a beach house to escape to, I have dreamt one up a time or two...and it's a pretty cheerful and cozy place if I do say so myself. Here are a few things I would love to enjoy in my nice little cottage overlooking the sea...

From the top....then shuffle from left to right...

1. Flip Flops Duvet Cover - something about it makes me happy 
2. Candle Seashells - DIY project here!
3. Beach House Mantel - CSI Projects
4. Coral & SeaSpray Decorative Throw Pillows - Elle Kay Interiors
5. Aloe Ice Cubs for those sunburns!
7. White wash wood all around the house
8. Charming Rock Posters -  Strawberry Luna
9. A beautiful view....

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